Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011


Artis cantik yang lahir di Jakarta 10 Agustus 1989 ini lebih akrab dipanggil dengan caca. Ya.. Marshanda dengan nama lengkap Andriana Marshanda. Marshanda pernah mendapat penghargaan 'The Most Brilliant Person' pada Asian Award 2004 bertepatan dengan hari Pendidikan Nasional 3 Mei 2004, dan menjadi Duta Lingkungan Hidup pada 2006. Untuk urusan asmara, Marshanda pernah menjalin kasih dengan baim wong, artis yang pernah bermain bersama dirinya si sebuah sinetron ramadhan berjudul SOLEHA, tetapi hubungan itu kandas ditengah jalan karena disinyalir adanya orang ketiga diantara hubungan mereka.


Nama Lengkap : Adriana Marshanda
Nama Panggilan : Marshanda
TTL : Jakarta, 10 Agustus 1989
Nama Ayah : Irwan Yusuf
Nama Ibu : Riyanti Sofyan
Anak ke : 1 dari 3 bersaudara
Zodiak : Leo
Pendidikan terakhir : SD Islam Tugaskus, SMPN 216, SMA Labschool, Kebayoran Jakarta,
Penyanyi Favorit : Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, M2M
Pemain film Favorit : Dude Herlino



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Reason Bieber Concert Ticket Sales Postponed,

Reason Bieber Concert Ticket Sales Postponed, Organizers Justin Bieber is committed to postpone concert ticket sales until the day Thursday, March 24 next. There’s from official reason for this delay because the 500 ticket holders do not redeem their ticket presale. Parties Rajakarcis've been trying to track the presence of these ticket holders through the existing data, but they have not managed to contacted or not also redeem their presale tickets purchased through Marygops in January.

"To be fair to the presale ticket holders who have bought in January last, the organizer of the concert Justin Bieber in Indonesia will postpone the sale of tickets until the day Thursday, March 24, 2011," said representatives of the promoter, Marcel in a release. Furthermore, Marcel said, "We hope the presale ticket holders who do not redeem a ticket to Rajakarcis to immediately make the switch before the deadline given, ie Wednesday, March 23 at 17:00 pm." Marcel asserted that after the date of March 23, 2011 the organizers reserve the right not to admit the ticket presale and provide the opportunity for a new ticket buyers who are looking forward to Justin Bieber concert ticket sales. Its Once again emphasized that the safety of spectators and the community became the main priority of the concert and especially the management of Justin Bieber. Owner presale tickets purchased from Marygops and the new ticket buyers should understand that there will be no class festival. This Canadian singer will hold concerts in the country on 23 April.The concert will be held at the Sentul International Convention Centre.